Telephone: +258 25222216


  Opening Hours: Monday  - Thursday : 08:00  - 16:00; Lunch Hour : 12:00 - 13:00; Friday : 8:00 - 13:00; Closed on Malawian and Mozambican Public Holidays
  About Malawi  

Malawi, the warm heart of Africa, is located in South – Eastern Africa. It is bordered by Mozambique on the east and south west, by Tanzania on the north and north east, and by Zambia on the west and north west.

  Capital City: Lilongwe  
  Population: 17.22 Million (2016)  
  Area: 118 500 sq Km (45, 747 sq Miles)  
  Official Language: English  
  National Language: Chichewa  
  Major Religions: Christianity, Islam  
  Currency: Malawi Kwacha  

Malawi is a land linked country covering 118,500 sq km. The country is surrounded by markets in all its fronts, with Mozambique offering a population of 24 million people on the east and south west, Tanzania with over 50 million people on the north and north east, and Zambia 16 million people on the west and north west.

Just beyond this country there are other huge countries such as Zimbabwe which has a population 16 million and Democratic Republic of Congo with the population of over 70 million people.

All these countries are either member of SADC and COMESA to which Malawi exports manufactured products duty free as long as they comply with pre-stipulated minimum of local content.

Malawi thus a hub of production that conveniently directly interfaces three market fronts with a total population of over 100 million people, and indirectly to a market of ( Zimbabwe and DRC) within 2 – 12 hours.

The country is endowed with vast natural resources and it enjoys vast tracts of beautiful natural scenery including game reserves and sand beaches along the beautiful Lake Malawi. Lake Malawi is one of the largest fresh water bodies in the world and holds the most diverse number of fish species in one single body – over 800 species.

Democratic principles are firmly engrained in the country, since independence in 1964, the country has never suffered a civil war and its political leaders have come to power through a democratic electoral process.

Free market principles are also firmly engrained and successive Governments have continued to open up and liberalize the economy.
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  Physical Address: Malawi Consulate, Av. Da Independencia, Em frente a DIC, P. O. Box 264, Tete, Mozambique; Telephone: +258 25222216; E-mail:,